Reuse of OASIS records

Level 2 - HISTORIC ENVIRONMENT RECORDS. This includes similar organisations which are responsible for overseeing archaeological work undertaken in their area. This includes national bodies (i.e. Historic Environment Scotland and Historic England) who are reviewing projects undertaken as part of Scheduled Monument Consent.

Level 2a - OTHER REVIEWING ORGANISATIONS. Regional organisations requiring access to records pre sign-off but not actively reviewing records as part of the main workflow (e.g. National trust, or particular programmes of work such as HS2).

Level 3 - ARCHIVES. Includes Archives, Museums or Records Offices which are responsible for holding archives from archaeological fieldwork and building surveys.

Level 4 - National bodies who have oversight of archaeological work undertaken in their country.

Level 4a - Discovery and Excavation in Scotland (DES) user requiring access to records pre signoff and with special features e.g. image downloads.

Level 5 - Research Frameworks

Specialist Data Users (Level 7)

In addition OASIS also has a level of user defined as a Specialist Data Users (Level 7). These are defined as organisations or projects who may want to access OASIS records for research purposes. Level 7 access is restricted to records that:

  • have been reviewed by the O2 reviewer or passed their review by date
  • have been reviewed by the O4 reviewer and O4a reviewer (Scotland)
  • have the report publicly available via the ADS Library.
  • In Scotland access to records is also only made available after publication of DES.
  • You can make a request for an O7 role directly to OASIS Helpdesk. Please include the following details
    • Name of your project or organisation
    • The geographic or thematic extent of the records you would like access to, for example all records with a subject type of "Mesolithic records in England"
    • A reuse statement, clearly defining the purposes of your work.
    • This request will then be passed to the OASIS Management Board for review.