Developed in partnership with Jersey Historic Environment Record, Jersey Heritage OASIS (Jersey) is designed to facilitate the smooth flow of information from initial fieldwork through to reporting / publication and archiving of material. OASIS welcomes information from anyone undertaking any type of fieldwork (including offshore within the Jersey Territorial Waters both under the water and on some of the reefs) relating to the archaeology and built heritage of Jersey.
OASIS has been redesigned to help data producers (including professional archaeological companies, community groups, academics, architectural historians and independent archaeologists) share news of their discoveries with archaeological curators and researchers. The data capture form provides the opportunity to upload digital copies of both completed project archive reports (grey literature) as well as files defining project extents and trench locations.
OASIS complements and encourages the continued reporting of fieldwork. Information entered through OASIS will also be
As a partnership between the private and public sectors, OASIS ensures efficient, effective and economic collection, management and sharing of information for the benefit of anyone interested in the archaeology of Jersey.