
OASIS (Wales) has been developed by RCAHMW with the assistance of the Archaeology Data Service and the Marine Environmental Data and Information Network (MEDIN).

The data capture form is based on those developed in England and Scotland and is used for reporting information from maritime recording projects by data producers to the National Monuments Record of Wales. The form provides the opportunity to upload digital copies of both completed project archive reports (grey literature) as well as files defining the geographical extents of projects.

On completion, information gathered through OASIS will be validated by RCAHMW before inclusion in the NMRW. Copies of the grey literature reports will be held in the archives of RCAHMW for long-term preservation and dissemination through the on-line Coflein service.

Open access to information gathered through OASIS is encouraged through online resources, principally the ADS ArchSearch catalogue and Coflein. From these sites users may search for information on fieldwork by particular area or by the name of a contributing archaeologist or contracting unit. Search results will provide links to grey literature reports, available directly from the RCAHMW Coflein website.

If you would like further information about the project please see the FAQ. For technical advice, please contact the RCAHMW.

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